The Other Paul
Politics • Spirituality/Belief • Education
The Other Paul creates educational content on matters of scripture, theology, history, and (occasionally) politics, for the betterment of the body of Christ, particularly by communicating the deepest of academic issues in the language of the common man.
Interested? Want to learn more about the community?

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IMPORTANT: Updated Discord Link

A supporter just informed me that the Discord invite in the public pinned post was invalid. After confirming this myself, I just updated the link. Apologies to anyone who tried to join through there but couldn't (esp. supporters). As stated, the link has been updated, but it is in this post as well for your convenience:

Interested? Want to learn more about the community?

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Welcome to Locals!

Welcome to everyone who has joined my new Locals community! I wished there were more than two tiers available but alas, that's all the system officially supports. However, Locals does let you customise the precise amount at which you support, so I'll be laying out a number of tiers and their benefits:

$8 - $15 (Deacon):

  • The "Deacon" role on the Discord server.
  • Access to private supporter streams.
  • Access to early channel announcements (here + Discord).
  • Access to private study/research notes (here + Discord).
  • Recognition at the end of videos/start of streams.

$16 - $31 (Bishop):

  • All Deacon benefits.
  • "Bishop" role on the Discord server.
  • Voting rights for the next video out of a list of options I am prepared for.
  • Behind the scenes posts on content in development in the Discord server (Ecclesia channel), allowing you to comment on content production and potentially impact the final product.

$32+ (Patriarch):

  • All Bishop benefits.
  • "Patriarch" role on the Discord server.
VIDEO: Against Contemporary Worship
Interview w/ The Anglican Catechumen on Stoicism and Christianity
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