The Other Paul
Politics • Spirituality/Belief • Education
The Other Paul creates educational content on matters of scripture, theology, history, and (occasionally) politics, for the betterment of the body of Christ, particularly by communicating the deepest of academic issues in the language of the common man.
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Anglican 101 Reading List

Below is my own basic list of classic works from the Anglican tradition, particularly those of general Anglican doctrine, defences against/critiques of Rome, and Anglican theological authority (along with a few other cool works). This is by no means exhaustive, nor even a basic overview of Anglican writings on theology, but it's certainly a LOT more than most people know of. All of these works can be found online for free, including Google Books and If you want suggestions for more works on other issues (ecclesiology, eucharistology, soteriology, etc.) just drop a comment and I'll get back to you.


  • The 39 Articles of Religion

  • The 1662 Book of Common Prayer

  • The 2 Books of Homilies

General Anglican Doctrine & Defences of Anglicanism:

  • Apology of the Church of England (John Jewel, 1562) NOTE: Especially influential as a 'statement of faith' for the Church of England; almost became a formulary in its own right. Thus possesses great authority.

  • On the Laws of Ecclesiastical Polity (Richard Hooker, 1594/1597)

  • Of the Church (Richard Field, 1606/1610)

Theological Authority:

  • A Confutation of Unwritten Verities (Thomas Cranmer, 1556)

  • Disputation of Holy Scripture Against the Papists (William Whitaker, 1610)

  • A Discourse About Tradition (Simon Patrick, 1683)

  • A Rational Account of the Grounds of Protestant Religion (Edward Stillingfleet, 1664)

Other great works:

  • An Exposition of the Creed (John Pearson, 1659)

  • An Exposition of the Thirty-Nine Articles (Edward Harold Browne, 1865)

  • The True and Catholic Doctrine of the Lord's Supper (Thomas Cranmer, 1551)

  • Scholastical History of the Canon of the Holy Scriptures (John Cosin, 1657)

Again, these works provide deep insight into the Anglican tradition, and also provide a great antidote to the sea of Romish/Eastern claims against Reformation thought and practice. And remember to comment requests for more works on particular issues.

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Welcome to everyone who has joined my new Locals community! I wished there were more than two tiers available but alas, that's all the system officially supports. However, Locals does let you customise the precise amount at which you support, so I'll be laying out a number of tiers and their benefits:

$8 - $15 (Deacon):

  • The "Deacon" role on the Discord server.
  • Access to private supporter streams.
  • Access to early channel announcements (here + Discord).
  • Access to private study/research notes (here + Discord).
  • Recognition at the end of videos/start of streams.

$16 - $31 (Bishop):

  • All Deacon benefits.
  • "Bishop" role on the Discord server.
  • Voting rights for the next video out of a list of options I am prepared for.
  • Behind the scenes posts on content in development in the Discord server (Ecclesia channel), allowing you to comment on content production and potentially impact the final product.

$32+ (Patriarch):

  • All Bishop benefits.
  • "Patriarch" role on the Discord server.
VIDEO: Against Contemporary Worship
Interview w/ The Anglican Catechumen on Stoicism and Christianity
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